Tangled Branches of the Rhetts-Fisher Family
This section is a compilation of notes and materials related to the Rhetts (Ratts, Ratz)-Maupin-Fisher (Fischer)-Taylor Family
The Ratz family descends from Philip Heinrich RATZ and Godfrey RATZ who immigrated in 1751 on the Edinburgh; Philip stayed in the York Co, PA area while Godfrey settled in the Rowan County, NC area
The Maupin family descends from Daniel Maupin who immigrated in 1701 and settled in the Albemarle area of Virginia
The Fischer family descends from Johann Wilhelm Fischer (1706-1771) who immigrated in 1733 on the ship Samuel and settled in Heidelberg, Berks County, Pennsylvania
The Taylor family descends from George Stonehouse Taylor, who immigrated to Boston in 1832 on the SS Hannibal from Yorkshire, England, and the Snow-Ridley family which can be traced back to John Pike who immigrated in 1635 on the James, Francis Small (or Smalley) in about 1632, Robert Hicks in 1621 on the Fortune, John Doane in 1630 on the Handmaid, Edward Hutchinson in 1634 on the Griffith, Nicholas Snow in 1623 on the Fortune, and Stephen Hopkins, who immigrated twice - 1st in 1609 on the Sea Venture to the Jamestown area and then again in 1620 on the Mayflower.
This section is a compilation of notes and materials related to the Rhetts (Ratts, Ratz)-Maupin-Fisher (Fischer)-Taylor Family
The Ratz family descends from Philip Heinrich RATZ and Godfrey RATZ who immigrated in 1751 on the Edinburgh; Philip stayed in the York Co, PA area while Godfrey settled in the Rowan County, NC area
The Maupin family descends from Daniel Maupin who immigrated in 1701 and settled in the Albemarle area of Virginia
The Fischer family descends from Johann Wilhelm Fischer (1706-1771) who immigrated in 1733 on the ship Samuel and settled in Heidelberg, Berks County, Pennsylvania
The Taylor family descends from George Stonehouse Taylor, who immigrated to Boston in 1832 on the SS Hannibal from Yorkshire, England, and the Snow-Ridley family which can be traced back to John Pike who immigrated in 1635 on the James, Francis Small (or Smalley) in about 1632, Robert Hicks in 1621 on the Fortune, John Doane in 1630 on the Handmaid, Edward Hutchinson in 1634 on the Griffith, Nicholas Snow in 1623 on the Fortune, and Stephen Hopkins, who immigrated twice - 1st in 1609 on the Sea Venture to the Jamestown area and then again in 1620 on the Mayflower.

Charles Edward RHETTS 1910-1970 m. Ruth FISHER 1910-1990GRANDPARENTS
Walter L. FISHER 1862-1935 m. Mabel TAYLOR 1867-1953
John Edward RHETTS 1863-1967 m. Effie D. MAUPIN 1883-1959
Daniel Webster FISHER 1838-1913 m. Amanda D. KOUNS 1837-1911
William Green MAUPIN 1847-1914 m. Martha Ann GORDON 1852-1925
Francis Marion RATTS 1833-1895 m. Mary A COOPER 1835-1885
Frederick Bourne TAYLOR 1832-1891 m. Abigail E. SNOW 1825-1878
John H COOPER 1792-1859 m. Mary Ann MORRIS 1794-1882
Daniel Hain FISCHER 1796-1873 m. Martha MIDDLESWARTH 1794-1877
David GORDON 1821-1893 m. Lovey BOLLING 1821-1881
Michael KOUNS 1804-1881 m. Mary KOUNS 1814-1889
William Green MAUPIN 1817-1902 m. Serena SUTTON 1827-1902
Andrew Jackson RATTS 1810-1847 m. Celia WRIGHT 1813-1893
John SNOW 1781-1861 m. Elizabeth RIDLEY 1788-1869
George Stonehouse TAYLOR 1810-1881 m. Anne BOURNE 1812-1884
John BOLLING 1795-1854 m. Tabitha Dorcas REDDING 1800-1849Thomas BOURNE 1785-1812 m. Nancy CRAMP 1786-1812
Benjamin Clark COOPER 1760-1807 m. Feribee SANDERS 1756-1842
Michael FISCHER 1788-1853 m. Catherine HAIN 1788-1848
Howard GORDON 1789-1861 m. Mary SHIELDS 1801-1883
George Washington KOUNS 1784-1848 m. Catherine WOLFENSBARGER 1783-1874
Michael KOUNS 1769-1847 m. Susannah RADER 1776-1857
William Greer MAUPIN 1781-1865 m. Catherine HARDY 1783-1870
John MIDDLESWARTH 1745-1815 m. Martha REED 1750-1824
Nathan MORRIS 1757-1822 m. Mary BELL 1759-1811
Henry T. RATTS 1770-1833 m. Barbara Ann WINKLER 1769-1849
George RIDLEY 1761-1818 m. Molly Mary Ellen HOPKINS 1776-1830
Joseph SUTTON 1784-1848 m. Margaret BYRNES 1787-1870
William TAYLOR 1775-1861 m. Anne SMITH 1781-1854
Philburt T. WRIGHT 1768-1855 m. Mary Molly SEARS 1776-1830
Lancelot BELL 1738-1781 m. Miriam NICHOLSON 1738-1774Benjamin BOLLING 1754-1819 m. Sarah Talitha HANCOCK 1764-1805
James BOURNE 1748- m. Sarah HALL 1750-
Isaac COOPER 1737-1800 m. Prudence DUNN 1743-1789
Reuben CRAMP 1760-1807 m. Eleanor MacLEDOW 1755-1835
Johann Heinrich FISCHER 1758-1823 m. Susannah Himmelberger RUTH 1761-1821
Peter HAIN 1761-1811 m. Magdalena RUTH 1768-1831
Charles HARDY 1775-1850 m. Rachael PARSLEY 1777-1850
Simeon HOPKINS 1758-1778 m. _____ ??
Christian KOUNS 1759-1837 m. Anna Catherine LAMP 1755-1824
Michael KOUNS 1743-1803 m. Rebecca ORR (1740-1825)
Jesse MAUPIN 1736-1827 m. Lucy Sarah JONES 1745-1829
Abraham Van MIDDLESWARTH 1723-1800 m. Maria GRIGGS 1725-1799
Joshua MORRIS 1726-1777 m. Mary Ann PEARSON 1720-1773
Michael W RADER 1749-1839 m. Catherine LONG 1753-1839
Godfred RATZ 1743-1804 m. Maria SCHWEISSGUT 1748-1806
John REDDING 1777-1869 m. Martha Jane SWAIM 1779-1834
Robert REED 1730-1796 m. Mary INGALLS 1735-1803
James RIDLEY 1717-1797 m. Mary SMALL 1719-1798
Joel SANDERS 1718-1782 m. Charity HOLLOWELL 1722-1782
Christian SEARS 1742-1843 m. Catherine Barbara STUTZMAN 1759-1832
John SHIELDS 1749-1863 m. Hannah McCLURG [EVANS] 1758-1869
Richard SMITH 1755-1822 m. Sarah TIDY 1757-
John SUTTON 1765-1840 m. Mary ARNOLD 1762-1841
Edward TAYLOR 1749-1833 m. Sarah Jane THOMPSON 1750-1775
Franz WINKLER 1745-1802 m. Mary Catherine BOTT 1752-1790
John WOLFENSBARGER 1754-1840 m. Christina FREY 1759-1832
Richard WRIGHT 1730-1784 m. Elizabeth MORGAN 1732-1784
Nicholas ARNOLD 1748-1808 m. Margaret WILLIS 1735-1773John BELL 1717-1738 m. Lydia SIMONS 1710-1738
Benjamin BOLLING 1734-1832 m. Martha PHELPS 1737-1767
John Reinhardt BOTT 1730-1750 m. Mary Elizabeth BLECKROTH 1730-1805
William BOURNE II 1710-1787 m. Ann DEE 1703-1748
Isaac COOPER 1697-1767 m. Tabitha MILBY 1710-1737
Robert CRAMP 1722-1788 m. Mary POTTER 1730-1762
Benijah DUNN 1720-1781 m. Sarah DUNHAM 1718-1799
Johann Peter FISCHER 1735-1787 m. Maria Appolonia HECKERT 1738-1788
Johann Valentine FREY 1721-1798 m. Anna Maria BINCKELE 1722-1791
Thomas GRIGGS 1695-1745 m. Magdalena du PUY 1699-
John Casper HAIN 1725-1762 m. Elizabeth Catherine LAUCKS 1727-1809
William HALL 1703-1775 m. Ann MITCHELL 1705-1780
James HANCOCK 1730-1796 m. Elizabeth RANDALL 1725-1787
Joseph Austin HARDY 1750-1831 m. Margaret MacKENZIE 1768-1828
Thomas HOLLOWELL 1696-1743 m. Sarah SCUTCHINS 1702-1758
Simeon HOPKINS 1731-1821 m. Betty COBB 1732-1815
Mosias JONES 1721-1808 m. Elizabeth ROGERS 1728-1808
Johann Balthasar KOONTZ 1735-1803 m. Catherine _____ 1738-1821
John Michael KOONTZ 1706-1777 m. Anna Elizabeth Catharine STOEVER 1710-1750
Johannes LAMP 1727-1793 m. Susannah HAVEN 1727-1780
Andrew LONG 1740-1835 m. Catherine ZERKEL 1733-1817
Daniel MAUPIN 1700-1788 m. Margaret VIA 1701-1789
Teunis Van MIDDLESWARTH 1682-1742 m. Susanna BEEKMAN 1686-1729
John MORGAN 1695-1731 m. Sarah EVANS 1695-1729
Aaron MORRIS 1704-1770 m. Mary Sarah PRITCHARD 1707-1791
Thomas NICHOLSON 1715-1780 m. Mary Jane HILL 1742-1801
George ORR 1720-1800 m. Margaret BROWNBECK 1720-1758
John W PARSLEY 1754-1810 m. Hannah ISBELL 1755-1812
Peter PEARSON 1679-1735 m. Rachel NEWBY 1689-1750
Adam RADER 1727-1773 m. Margaret ZIMMERMAN 1727-1795
Phillip Heinrich RATZ 1714-1775 m. Anna Catarina GEORG 1721-1775
Joseph REDDING 1754-1815 m. Jane Elizabeth NEEDHAM 1750-1827
Thomas RIDLEY 1685-1767 m. Mary STROUT 1687-1767
Johann Christian RUTH 1728-1793 m. Maria Barbara EPLER 1732-1809
John Michael RUTH 1725-1803 m. Anna Marie MOSER 1735-1804
John SANDERS 1690-1767 m. Priscilla PRITLOWE 1691-1727
Laurentius SCHWEISSGUT 1723-1799 m. Catherine Elzabetha WEYER 1727-1811
Samuel SMALL 1690-1737 m. Isabel DYER 1695-1731
John SMITH 1720-1784 m. Sarah PEGDEN 1724-1783
Jacob STUTZMAN 1727-1813 m. Barbara Yoder BERGY 1731-1776
Jonas SUTTON 1721-1797 m. Elizabeth RUNYON 1729-1797
John Barent SWAIM 1748-1827 m. Anne Elizabeth VICKERY 1750-1833
Matthew THOMPSON 1721-1787 m. _____ ??
Thomas TIDY 1736-1801 m. Sarah JENKINS 1736-1776
Ludwig WINKLER 1726-1798 m. Christina Catharina DIETZ 1724-1799
John Peter WOLFENSBARGER 1721-1788 m. Hannah SUMNER 1734-1775
Philbert WRIGHT 1690-1738 m. Esther BECRAFT 1695-1738
Johannes ZAHER 1710-1800 m. _____?? 1725-1757
Nicholas Thomas ARNOLD 1707-1743 m. Elizabeth Mary HITT 1711-1753
Peter BECRAFT 1657-1716 m. Rebecka CANSFIELD 1680-1717
Hendrick Maartensen BEECKMAN 1645-1732 m. Annetje QUACKENBOSCH 1658-1738
John Lascelles BELL 1695-1771 m. Elizabeth _____ ??
Peter BINCKELE 1704-1793 m. Ana Maria WERLE 1704-1748
Johannes Hanse BINGGELI 1694-1770 m. Anna Barbara LANDIS 1697-1771
Johann Lorenz BLECKROTH 1701- m. Anna Christina ______ ?? 1700-
Johann Hermanus BOTT 1698-1772 m. Anna Kunigunda KEBLER 1700-1749
William BOURNE I 1680-1736 m. Margaret BROADBRIDGE 1683-1729
Thomas COBB 1693-1768 m. Mercy FREEMAN 1692-1759
Joseph COOPER 1666-1731 m. Lydia RIGGS 1664-1732
Samuel CRAMP 1695-1763 m. Ann PALMER 1695-1759
Joseph Jost CUNTZE 1673-1730 m. Anna Catherine Gertrud REINSCHMIDT 1674-1714
William DEE 1670-1727 m. Frances BEST 1670-
Frederick DEITZ 1676-1753 m. Catarina BONACELLI 1678-1742
Edmund DUNHAM 1691-1748 m. Dinah FITZRANDOLPH 1700-1775
John Joseph DUNN 1688-1748 m. Hannah DRAKE 1689-1748
William DYER 1662-1738 m. Mary Hatch TAYLOR 1653-1738
Johannes M. EPLER 1694-1775 m. Anna Barbara WUSTAR 1702-1775
John EVANS (1664-1708) and Mary HUGHES (1670- )
Johann Wilhelm FISCHER 1706-1771 m. Elizabeth Gertrude HAIN 1711-1768
Johann Peter FREY 1689-1766 m. Anna Barbara SCHMIDT 1696-1774
Johann Conrad GEORG 1684-1771 m. Anna Margaretha MAIER 1687-1725
Thomas GRIGGS 1668-1680 m. Hannah GILLIAM 1670-1700
Johann Georg HAIN 1685-1746 m. Anna Veronica SCHNEIDER 1686-1756
William HALL 1677- m. Elizabeth KETTEWELL 1679-
William H HANCOCK 1704-1787 m. Sarah DAWSON 1703-1778
Moses HAVEN 1691-1743 m. Sarah BRIDGES 1702-1750
Thomas HARDY 1705-1790 m. Elizabeth AUSTIN 1730-1772
Johannes Michael HECKERT 1703-1741 m. Catherine HEBERER 1705-1759
William Thomas HILL 1675-1749 m. Mary Ann SPIVEY 1675-1770
Henry HOLLOWELL 1652-1707 m. Elizabeth SCOTT 1675-1726
Caleb HOPKINS Sr 1684-1741 m. Mercy FREEMAN 1702-1784
Zachariah William ISBELL 1722-1788 m. Elizabeth MILLER 1720-1785
Joseph Jesse JENKINS 1716- m. _____ ??
Mosias William JONES 1695-1728 m. Lucy FOSTER 1697-1750
Georg Heinrich KOONTZ 1706-1800 m. Anna Gertraut FALCKENBERG 1711-1761
Peter LAMP 1678-1752 m. Becke SPETH 1672-1729
Peter LAUCKS 1720-1749 m. Anna Barbara KIRSCHNER 1727-1765
James MacKENZIE 1720-1755 m. Elizabeth GUTHRIE 1772-
Gabriel MAUPIN 1666-1720 m. Marie HERSENT 1664-1748
Jan Teunis Van MIDDLESWARTH 1654-1742 m. Catalyna Teunis BOHAERT 1657-1679
John MILBY Jr 1682-1729 m. Tabitha Margaret GARRISON 1680-1745
John Stewart MORRIS 1680-1739 m. Mary Elizabeth SYMONS 1687-1745
Hans Adam MOSER 1684-1771 m. Anna Marie Stehler BOEHM 1688-1763
John NEEDHAM 1708-1754 m. Elizabeth BROTHERS 1716-1800
Nathan NEWBY 1665-1734 m. Elizabeth HOLLOWELL 1662-1720
Christopher NICHOLSON 1685-1722 m. Mary POOL 1683-1759
William PARSLEY 1720-1760 m. Ann GILL 1722-
Christopher PEARSON 1635-1711 m. Elinor FEARON 1647-1714
John PEGDEN 1700-1752 m. Sarah Jane TWYMAN 1701-1744
David PFAUTZ 1701-1770 m. Anna Barbara HAHN 1710-1774
John PHELPS (1705-1772) and Mary C GIBSON (1709-1767)
Benjamin PRITCHARD 1684-1739 m. Sarah E CULPEPPPER 1686-1723
John PRITLOWE 1669-1728 m. Elizabeth SOBRELL 1670-1728
Jean du PUY 1656-1732 m. Petronitje SWAIM 1686-1725
Joseph RANDALL (1697-1772) m. Rebecca DOANE (1701-1760)
Johann Heinrich RATZ 1663-1717 m. Maria Catharina RUEFFER 1711-1768
Thomas Henry REDDING 1727-1762 m. Ann PALIN 1728-1778
Mark RIDLEY 1659-1685 m. Elizabeth RAMSAY 1643-1711
Robert ROGERS 1690-1739 m. Susannah PARKS 1692-1741
Peter RUNYON 1680-1755 m. Providence BLACKFORD 1683-1760
Johann Peter RUTH 1704-1771 m. Anna Sophia LAUER 1703-1735
Richard SANDERS 1661-1726 m. Deborah THURSTON 1670-1725
Johannes Georg SCHWEISSGUT 1685-1766 m. Anna Katharina GIRSIUS 1685-1766
Josiah SCUTCHINS 1680-1744 m. Sarah GREEN 1680-1747
Jesse SIMONS m. Sarah _____ ??
Francis SMALL 1654-1709 m. Elizabeth HICKS 1659-1712
John SMITH 1692-1785 m. Rejoice _____ ?? 1696-1785
Johann Caspar STOEVER 1684-1738 m. Gertraud FRIESSE 1686-1728
Christopher STROUT 1631-1714 m. Sarah PIKE 1655-
John Jacob STUTZMAN (1704-1775) and Magdalena STECK (1710-1760)
Robert SUMNER 1716-1779 m. Phoebe BEALS 1725-1805
Richard SUTTON 1676-1732 m. Sarah H RUNYON 1686-1731
Michael Anthony SWAIM 1715-1782 m. Martha WORTHINGTON 1718-1756
William TIDY 1694-1776 m. Ann RANDALL 1710-1794
Amer William VIA 1663-1725 m. Margaret SPENCER 1660-1716
Marmaduke VICKERY 1715-1787 m. Elizabeth NATION 1719-1787
Jacob VINCLAIR 1688-1732 m. Anna Catherine WENDEL 1688-1752
Johann Leonard VOLCK 1693-1742 m. Christina ORTIN -1740
John Barnhardt WEYER 1694-1751 m. Maria Catherina Schultz KAYSER 1696-1735
John Erhart WOLFENSBARGER 1695-1761 m. Anna Margarethe ENSMINGER 1697-1777
Johan Georg ZAHER 1675-1752 m. Catharina PALINKAS
Michael ZIMMERMAN 1706-1740 m. Anna Elizabeth DODDERER 1709-1779
Hans Johan Jacob STUTZMAN 1660- m. Anna Loysa Regina MUELLER 1658-1727

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