When Ross Van Dusen retired as Executive Vice President and Creative Director of Chiat Day Advertising in San Francisco, he turned his attention to drawing, painting, sculpting, and writing fulltime and never looked back. He has written and published eight light-hearted mysteries for adult consumption with more on the way. But children’s books were the perfect way to combine his two main interests. Children’s books allow him to express the whimsy and joy all children feel—with bright colors and happy words. Plus a little real information along the way. He has two grown children, one grandchild, and one great grandchild and lives with wife, Jean, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
2016 Winner Children’s Fiction, National Federation of Press Women Book Awards
2016 Winner, New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards
2016 Winner Children’s Book, Southwest Book Design & Production Award
2016 Eric Hoffer Montaigne Award
2016 Early Reader Picture Book Finalist, Foreword Magazine INDIE Book Award
2015 Winner, New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards