by Barbe Awalt 96 pp; 5 x 7 paperback
ISBN 978-1-936744-41-1 $12.00

2015 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards
Finalist, Reference Book, Neighborhood: Twenty Five Years of Dysfunction by Barbe Awalt
neighborhood is the story of a neighborhood in Albuquerque that truly is dysfunctional. Over 25 years, neighbors have been imprisoned, fought, had lawsuits, threatened the lives of others, been in the papers and on TV, and have been unjustly fined. They are not very nice people and the whole idea of neighbors, doesn’t work for them. The sad fact is that these are educated and well-off families. This neighborhood was inspired by a neighborhood in the North Valley of Albuquerque. Is this your neighborhood?
Barbe Awalt is the Senior Partner at LPD Press/Rio Grande Books. She is also co-founder of the New Mexico Book Co-op and the New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards. She has won many awards for her books and community involvement including the Mother Teresa Award. This is her 16th book.