Revised 7/5/2017. Copyright @2017; The following Documentary Timeline has been compiled and created by Paul Rhetts. It may be copied for research purposes; but it may not be reproduced for inclusion in any printed or electronic distribution of any kind without the express written permission of the author. Any requests to use this information should be sent to Paul Rhetts,

MIGRATIONS/RESIDENCES: To New England about age 38 in 1635 with his father and presumably with his wife and two or three of their older children. Settled at Hingham, Massachusetts, removed to Duxbury by 1657, returned to Hingham late in life, where he died.1
PARENTAGE/FAMILY Only known child of THOMAS ANDREWS (GM2,1:61-62).2
BIRTH/BAPTISM: Born England about 1597 (age at death).
DEATH/BURIAI.: Died at Hingham. 1 January 1679/80. age 83.
BRIDE: Unknown.
MARRIED: (2)? By 1632. See COMMENTARY.
DEATH/BURIAI.: Died at Hingham. 12 August 1688.4
LAND/PROPERTY: Grant at Hingham on 18 September 1635 “for a houselot of five acres of land, two acres of it butting upon the tow n street southward and upon part of his own land and upon part of Richard Betscome’s land northward, bounded with the land of Thomas Andrew s his father eastward and with the land of Mr.
William Walton westward, the other three acres of it lying at the further end of the same neck bound with the land of Thomas Andrews his father eastward and with the land of Richard Betscome westward and butting upon Broad Cove northward and upon his own land and upon his father’s Thomas Andrew s land southward.”
5 In 1657 Joseph Andrews of Duxbury', planter, sold to William Hersie, Jr., of Hingham, for £12, five acres upland and meadow in Hingham “neere Captaines Tent....”6 On 16 October 1665, Joseph Andrew s and his wife Elizabeth of Duxbury' sold “for a valuable consideracon” to Thomas Andrews of Hingham “our naturall Sonne... all that our house Lotts Containeing term acres of Land with all the houses Orchards & fences Standing & being upon the sd house Lotts bounded with the Towne Street Southward & with broad Coave Northward... & also our Salt Meadow... w°h... Lyeth in a place Called the home Meadow and Containeth eight acres... & also y* peece of Land Lying at a place Called Pyne Hill... & also the Northpart of a piece of Land Called Rock)' necke” in Hingham.7 On 10 September 1679, Joseph Andrews of Hingham sold, again for a valuable consideratioa to his son Thomas “all my Shares of Land in all the four divisions of Connihasset upland and also all the right of Commons belonging to the sd two shares.. .lately given and granted to the sd Joseph Andrews by the towne of sd Hingham.”8
COMMUNITY: Sworn as the first town constable of “Barecove” (Hingham) on 8 July 1635; became the first town clerk. Elected representative to the General Court front Hingham for six sessions in 1636, 1637, and 1638, where he served on committees to set tax rates and settle the boundary line between Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony. At Duxbury he served as surveyor of highways in 1654 and 1655 (in June 1655 he and Robert Barker, surveyors, were fined for neglecting to mend the highways in Duxbury), and he was chosen constable in June 1664.9
CHURCH: A presumed child was baptized in Rev. Peter Hobart’s church in Hingham in 1638. Hingham (1893) includes a baptism for son Ephraim in 1639, although the record is not included in the Hobart Journal.10
COURT: Joseph served on a number of juries at the Plymouth court between 1655 and 1665, including ones in
March 1654/5 that found Robert Latham guilty' of manslaughter and Joseph Tilden guilty' of taking a false oath, “although wee conceive hee was drawne into it by the base and ill carriage of John Ramdsea” He was a member of the coroner’s jury in December 1661 that determined Thirston Clarke, Sr., died when he fell through the ice. However, Joseph was fined in 1663 for refusing to serve on a jury to lay out highways in Duxbury."
In 1659 “Hepthsibath Andrews” charged Richard French with fathering her child, but she could not appear at the June court “by reason of weaknes or sicknes,” and when Richard appeared at the October court,
Hepzibah was again absent, so they cleared French and left him at liberty to prosecute her if he wanted.
OCCUPATION: Planter, tailor. Items in his inventory included “one pair of Taylors Shiers pressing Iron - one small hammer and two Button hole Cheezels” worth 5 shillings.13
ESTATE: The will of Joseph Andrews of Hingham. dated 27 September 1679 and proved 21 January 1679[/80], names wife Elizabeth (all of the moveable goods for her lifetime), daughters Elizabeth Ernes (“that featherbed and bedstead with all the furnytur thereunto belonging whereon I now ly”), Hannah Ganitt (“one peauter platter”), and Mary Beard (“one Peauter platter and one Candlestick”), son Joseph (“my sword and my goold Ringe and a bible and also tenn pounds... if he come to Demand it”), son Ephraim (“all that estate of mine that is in his hands which he had of me when he went to newe Jazsy”), daughter Hipsebeth Maning (“three pounds of that bill of eight pounds that I had of her husband Jeffery' maning, and my mind and will is that the Remaynder of the said bill which is five pounds shall bee equally Devided between Rehobath gannitt and Israeli thome fifty' shillings a peece”), “all my grand Sons that bear my name Joseph” (each a “peauter platter”), daughter-in-law Ruth Andrews (“my newest Cliist”), granddaughter Ruth Andrews (“my ould Cliist and my frame table & forme”), grandsons Thomas Andrewes (“a Cowe”), Steaven Andrewes (“an iron pott”), Jededyah Andrewes (“an iron pott”), Benjamine Andrewes (“my Desk”), granddaughters Elizabeth Andrewes (“my wanning pan”) and Abygaill Andrewes (“my frying pann”). Son Thomas Andrewes received the remainder of the estate and was appointed executor. Witnesses were Josiah Loring and Edm Pitts. Inventory taken 12 January' 1679[/80] totaled £45.07.6, with no real estate.
CHILDREN of Joseph and Elizabeth (—) Andrews, although some possibly by an earlier wife, See COMMENTARY:
  1. i. ELIZABETH3 ANDREWS, b. Eng., say 1621 (named first in father’s will); d. aft. 12 July 169315; presumably m. Hingham. 26 May 1648.16 MARK EMES/EAMES. son of ANTHONY and MARGERY (—) EAMES (GM2. 2:387-92). born say 161717; d. bet. 12 July 1693 and 13 Sept. 1693.
  2. ii. HANNAH ANDREWS, b. Eng., ca. 1623 based on age at death (listed second in father’s will); d. Scituate. 10 July [prob. 1701]. aged 78 y.19; m. MATTHEW GANNETT, son of John Gannett, bp Charlton Mackrell. Somerset. 16 Feb. 1617/820; d. Scituate. 10 Oct. [prob. 1695], a. 77.21
  3. iii. THOMAS ANDREWS, b. Eng.. Nov. 1632 (date from secondary source only) (listed last in father’s will as residuary’ heir and executor, presumably the eldest son); d. on the expedition to Canada. 25/26 Nov. 169022; in. RUTH . b. abt. 1636; d. Hingham, 23 Oct. 1732, abt. 97 yr.23
  4. iv. MARY ANDREWS, b. say 1635 (listed third in father's will); d. aft. 27 September 167921; in. BEARD.25 See COMMENTARY.
  5. v. JOSEPH ANDREWS, b. poss. the child bp. Hingham as “Elizabeth” in March 1637/8 (listed fourth in father's will); living 27 Sept. 1679 (father’s will, “if hce comes to demand it”).
  6. vi. EPHRAIM ANDREWS, bp. Aug. 1639 (date from secondary source only)26 (listed fifth in father's will); living 27 Sept. 1679 (father's will); settled in Woodbridge. N.J.. by 1673.27
  7. vii. HEPZIBAH ANDREWS, b. Say 1641 (listed sixth in father’s will); d. prob. Piscataway. N.J., aft. 30 Dec. 169228; m. about 1661,29 JEFFREY MANNING, son of John and Elizabeth (Goodye) Manning, bp. Hawstead. Suffolk. Eng.. 17 Mar. 1638/930; d. Piscataway, 26 Jan. 1692/3.31

COMMENTARY Version 2: Version 1 of this sketch included a lengthy commentary about difficulties establishing birth dates for the children and the possibility’ of Joseph Andrew s having two wives. A closer examination of Joseph’s will has led to some amendments of those conclusions. The will names the children in the following order: Elizabeth Ernes, Hannah Gannitt, Mary’ Beard, Joseph, Ephraim. Hipsebeth Maning, and Thomas Ernes (residuary’ heir and executor), suggesting that Elizabeth was the eldest child. However, if she was the “Elizabeth Andruce” baptized in March 1637/8, she would be significantly younger than her sister Hannah, named second in the will and born about 1623. Because incongruity of the baptismal record, w e assumed that the order the children were named in the will was not their birth order, a conclusion that was bolstered by evidence that Thomas, named last in the will, was the eldest son.
However, the baptism for “Elizabeth” in 1637/8 is problematic because it is completely incompatible with the marriage attributed to her in May 1648 to Mark Eames (that record docs not give the name of the bride and while his will names wife Elizabeth, there is no direct evidence that she was Elizabeth Andrews). If, on the other hand, Elizabeth was born before Hannah, then she would be of ample age to marry in 1648. We have to accept that the children’s birth order is reflected in the order in which they are named in the will (with the exception that the eldest son is listed last as residuary legatee).
If the baptism for “Elizabeth Andruce” in March 1637/8 is not for “Elizabeth Ernes” named in Joseph’s will, who is it for? Assuming that it is an infant baptism, there being nothing about the entry to suggest otherwise, and considering the order of the children from the will, it seems most logical that the baptism is for Joseph, although it could have been for a child who died young.
The next complication concerns daughter Man,'. Named as Mar)
7 Beard in her father’s will, she has been identified as the wife of Thomas Beard of Boston.32 However, that couple was having children as late at 1685,33 and we have calculated from the will order that Mary was probably born about 1635, which would make her fifty in 1685.
Clearly, more information is needed before we can identify Mary's husband.
The question about whether Joseph Andrews had two wives, remains open. The nine-year gap between Hannah’s birth and that of Thomas, and the 22-year span between the birth of daughter Elizabeth about 1621 and daughter Hepzibah about 1643, although achievable for one mother, lacking marriage and birth records, we have to keep the possibility of two mothers in mind.

  1. 1 Robert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr., and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635,7 vols. (Boston: 1999-2009) [hereinafter GM2], 1:62; George Lincoln, History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, 3 vols. (Hingham, Mass.: 1893) [ hereinafter Hingham (1893)], 2:11.
  2. 2 Names in all capital letters followed by (GMB, GM2, PM, or WF) indicate individuals who are treated in The Great Migration series.
  3. 3 Hingham (1893), 2:11; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. l+(Boston: NEHGS, 1847+) [hereinafter NEHGR], 121:205.
  4. 4 Hingham (1893), 2:11.
  1. 5 GM2,1:62 (Hingham Book of Possessions).
  2. 6 Suffolk Deeds, Volumes 1 through 14 ([Boston]: Rockwell & Churchill, 1880) [hereinafter, Suffolk Deeds], 6:300-01; Lora Altine Woodbury Underhill, Descendants of Edward Small of New England and the Allied Families with Tracings of English Ancestry (Boston and N.Y.: 1934) [hereinafter Small (1934)], 856.
  3. 7 Suffolk Deeds, 6:209-10; Small (1934), 856.
  4. 8 Suffolk Deeds, 11:354-55; Small (1934), 856.
  5. 9 Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed., Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1628-1686, 5 vols. in 6 (Boston: William White, 1853) [hereinafter MBCR], 1:96, 149, 174,178,180,192,194,201,204,227; Nathaniel B. Shurtletf and David Pulsifer, eds Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, 12 vols. in 10 (Boston: 1855-1861) [hereinafter PCR), 3:82,4:61,Small (1934), 855-55.
  6. 10 NEHGR, 121:10; Small (1934), 859.
  7. 11 PCR, 3:73,75,78,102; 4:12,45,61; 7:72, 87,98, 100, 126, 127; Small (1934), 855.
  1. 12 PCR, 1:161,165,176.
  2. 13 Suffolk Deeds, 6:300-01; Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Probate Records, microfilm NEHGS [hereinafter Suffolk Co PR], #1128.
  3. 14 Suffolk Co PR, #1128; Small (1934), 856-58.
  4. 15 Date of husband’s will.
  5. 16 NEHGR, 121:21 (“Mark Eames Married [blank]”).
  1. 17 GM2,2:389.
  2. 18 Genealogical Advertiser, 3:93-94; Plymouth County, MA: Probate File Papers, /(586-JSSJ.Online database.
American NEHGS, 2015. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.), #7014.
  1. 19 Michael R. Gannett, Gannett Descendants of Matthew and Hannah Gannett of Scituate, Massachusetts (Chevy Chase, Md.: 1976) [hereinafter Gannett Desc], 28 (notes that her death as reported in the vital records, 10 July 1700, is incompatible with tire fact that she signed her will on 18 October 1700. The will was proved 31 July 1701, supporting her death in that year); Vital Records of Scituate, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850,2 vols. (Boston: 1909) [hereinafter Scituate VR] 2:390 (1700); NEHGR, 9:178. A good photograph of the stone is available on, and the age does appear to be 78, note, however, that the Findagrave entry’ includes the statement that Hannah’s mother was Elizabeth “Doe” and that Hannah was born in Devon, England, with no substantiation for either claim.
  2. 20 Gannett Desc, 4, 27; NEHGR, 158:57-59.
  3. 21 Gannett Desc, 27-28 (notes that Matthew’s gravestone gives his date of death as 10 October 1695, but his will was proved 15 November 1694, which is more compatible with the date of death given in Scituate VR, 2:390 (“Oct. 1694]”).
  4. 22 Vital Records of Hingham, Massachusetts, ca. 1639-1844. (Online database:, NEHGS, 2006. Vital Records of Hingham, Massachusetts, ca. 1639-1844. Hersey, Reuben. Mss 901. R. Stanton Avery’ Special Collections Department, NEHGS) [hereinafter Hingham VR NEHGS\, 34; Small (1934), 862.
  5. 23 Hingham VR NEHGS, 101.
  6. 24 Father’s will.
  7. 25 Named as Mary Beard in her father’s will.
  8. 26 Hingham (1893), 2:11 (gives baptism date, but it is not in the Hobart journal).
  9. 27 The American Genealogist, vol. 9+ (1932+) [hereinafter TAG], 87:7 note 17.
  10. 28 TAG, 87:8 (date of husband’s will).
  11. 29 TAG, 87:7.
  12. 30 TAG, 87:1-10; William H. Manning, The Genealogical and Biographical History of the Manning Families of New England. (Salem, 1902), 805.
  13. 31 TAG, 87:7.
  14. 32 Anna Glover, Glover Memorials and Genealogies. An Account of John Glover of Dorchester and His Descendants. (Boston: 1867), 246,250 (erroneously claims that the will of Joseph Andrews identifies his daughter as the wife of Thomas Beard of Boston).
  15. 33 Annie H. Thwing, Boston, MA: Inhabitants and Estates of the Town of Boston, 1630-1822 (Thwing Collection). Inhabitants and Estates of the Town of Boston, 1630-1800 and The Crooked and Narrow Streets of Boston, 1630-1822. CD-ROM. Boston, Mass.: NEHGS, 2001. (Online database. NEHGS, 2014.), p. 2670.

Early New England Families, 1641-1700. (Original Online Database:, New England
Historic Genealogical Society, 2013. (By Alicia Crane Williams, Lead Genealogist.) https: //
www.americanancestors .org/DB501/i/48481/1/0