The Divine Face (Veronica’s Veil) / El Divino Rostro (La Veronica)
Feast day: February 4
The legend of Saint Veronica is told by the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus. Veronica, touched by Jesus’ suffering on his way to Mount Calvary, rushed to wipe his sweating, bleeding face with a veil or napkin. The holy face of the Lord wearing the crown of thorns was imprinted on the cloth. This image is believed to be the true likeness of Jesus’ image and therefore called vera eikon (true image), which gave origin to the story of Veronica. She is not mentioned in the Roman martyrology. The sudarium, or vernicle, is kept in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome as part of the Catholic Church’s holy relics. In the Reformed Catholic Church this veil was meant to stimulate meditation on Christ’s suffering and death and to convey a sense of his presence on Earth.
Renaissance masters often painted Veronica holding the veil with the image of Christ’s face imprinted upon it. Later in the century, the representation was further reduced showing the realistic image of the divine face

Santa Verónica con el Rostro (Saint Veronica with the Veil)
Legendary (Sixth Station of the Way of the Cross)
Good Friday
This subject has been dealt with above, #15.
When the saint holds the veil, she usually is clad in a nun’s habit.
Imprint of Jesus in our hearts; miracles, converts, sexual purity. Also, through association of Santa Verónica with the woman in Mt. 9:20-22 and Mk. 5:25-34 , against hemorrhages.
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